One study says that over 80% of our thoughts every day are negative thoughts. Why is that? Why do we give those thoughts a place in our heads? The truth is that we have an enemy who is trying to keep you from good things, purposeful lives and ultimately from God’s love. If we don’t know how to fight using the right weapons, we will find ourselves living in defeat.
During this 3-part Sermon Series we will unpack the truth of who we are because of God’s love for us and start winning the battles of our minds. Don’t miss it! God wants you to win and be free!
Join us each Sunday and experience God’s presence in your life as we worship and study the Bible together. Come just as you are.
Regular Sunday Mornings Worship – 10:00am
March – April 2025
We encourage you to spend time during your week reading scripture and praying. This is a tool to help you spend time with God during week. Would you make a commitment to do what Jesus did?
Luke 5:16 – But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.
If Jesus needed to spend that time with his Heavenly Father, we certainly need it too! Take 10-20min each day with a journal, your Bible and a prayer list. Put it on the calendar and make it a priority.
S.O.A.P. is a simple method for reading and applying God’s word to our lives. It stands for Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer and involves four simple steps:
- Scripture – Read a short Bible passage out loud and/or write it out. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you as you read and look for any specific words or phrases that stand out and write them down.
- Observation – What do you notice about the verses? What do you think the main message is? What verses, words or ideas jump out to you?
- Application – Ask God how he wants you to apply the verse to your own life. What do you need to do today because of the passage? How do you need to think differently?
- Prayer – Have a list of things you’re asking God to do for you or others. Start by thanking God for things then move to requests.
You can choose your own scripture or reading plan or use the one provided for our Series.
O Mar 17 – Romans 8:1-2
O Mar 18 – 1 John 5:18
O Mar 19 – 1 John 5:19-20
O Mar 20 – 1 Peter 1:13-16
O Mar 21 – Romans 12:1-2
O Mar 24 – 1 Peter 1:22-23
O Mar 25 – 2 Corinthians 5:16-17
O Mar 26 – Romans 8:14-1
O Mar 27 – Romans 8:37-39
O Mar 28 – Colossians 1:9-14
O Mar 31 – Ephesians 2:8-10
O Apr 1 – 2 Corinthians 5:18-21
O Apr 2 – Matthew 5:14-16
O Apr 3 – 1 Corinthians 15:56-58
O Apr 4 – 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
As you read the verses for each day, write down “I am” statements based on who these verses say you are in Christ. To win the battle in our minds we have to consistently remind ourselves of our true identity.
Who I am In Christ Verses (pdf)
Lies vs. Truth Verses (pdf)
Nope – Not Today Cards (pdf)
“Crash the Chatterbox” – Steven Furtick
“Winning the War in Your Mind” – Craig Groeschel
“Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table” – Louie Giglio