Sermon Series – PURPOSE

Know(able) Sermon Series

Big Buts – Drop the Excuses

Big Buts Header

We all have them and they all stink… you know the “big buts”… the excuses that keep us from walking into all that God has for us.  We say things like “I’m too busy” or “I don’t want to give up my…”  These are the things that hold us from walking in God’s will.  These are the sneaky thoughts and actions that are the undercurrent of our complacency.  It’s time to drop the “Big Buts” and say yes to the right things.  Let’s drop the excuses!

Building Blocks – Sermon Series

Building Blocks Sermon Graphic

Every Church has 3 key things that they do.  These are the things that we see in the New Testament that every church since the first century have done… the building blocks of our Christian faith: Baptism, Communion, and Generosity.  Come and discovery why God asks us to do these things and how we live them out in the life of New Hope.


Sermon Series – Exposed


Does GOD still speak today? How can you TRUST what the Bible says? Is there proof that Jesus really LIVED? JOIN US THIS EASTER and beyond as we expose the TRUTH about God.  If you’ve been confused about the Bible and God in the past, this is a perfect opportunity to get clarity!

NOTE: Please come 15min before our Gatherings to get parked, kids checked in, and find a seat.  Extra parking is available at Aber Automotive next door.

Connect the Dots – Sermon Series

Connect The Dots

In the last series we learned what a True Disciple of Christ looks like… surrendered to God, changed by the Holy Spirit, and living as Jesus.  As we continue on the journey through 2016, we want to “Connect the Dots” of what it looks like to experience life with others in authentic relationships and true community.  We are calling 2016 “The Year of Community” and we are going to create opportunities for you to experience it.